London Ontario Playgrounds · Uncategorized

Tips for a happier playground / park adventure

I thought I might start a little list of tips and tricks for going to the park that I have picked up along the way. I’ll continue to add to the list as I think up more, and I’d love to hear what tips you have for park visits with kids.

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Here I am, because, why not?

To start, I am Cindy, a stay at home mom (SAHM) of four small humans (ages 2 – 7). Somedays I am supermom, and somedays I’m pretty sure my mom card should be revoked. I am a wife, sometimes a good one, sometimes not, and my husband probably wonders why he got into this mess with me. I enjoy crafting and sewing. Being able to sit down at my sewing machine to dream up and create new things is my happy place.

Why I’ve decided to start this blog….. Well, it appears to be the in thing to do now so I thought I’d see what all the fuss was about. Mostly, I’m doing this for me. As a way to record this fun, and sometimes frustrating, parenting adventure. Lastly, and here’s your #momtruth for the day, as a SAHM, you always feel the need to justify yourself and your contribution to your family, household and society in general. Perhaps that feeling is all in our heads but it is there just the same. So I guess this is my little justification project.

To anyone is actually reading this blog, thanks for coming along on this adventure with me.